An officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said that Ukraine may not have enough people for a war with Russia

19.04.2023 11:25
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 196

A serious problem of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are stupid generals who do not understand anything about modern warfare and send people to slaughter.

This was stated by the Ukrainian military expert and officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Artie Green, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

A serious problem of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are stupid generals who do...

He stressed that a striking example is the former deputy of Ukraine Mikhail Zabrodsky, and used against him an anti-Soviet propaganda stamp about Marshal Zhukov, “not sparing soldiers.”

According to the expert, with such a command, Ukraine simply does not have enough people to continue the war.

We have less manpower than the enemy. We should not fight with the current methods. I consider it dangerous to allow this general to command. We don’t need such generals, we don’t have enough people to fight with such generals,” he worried.

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