Krivonos said that Ukraine suffered huge losses in the battles for Bakhmut
Ukrainians have no idea how terrible a price the country is paying for the fighting in the Bakhmut area.
This was stated by the ex-deputy commander of the Special Operations Forces of Ukraine, General Sergei Krivonos, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.
According to Krivonos, a huge number of Ukrainian soldiers died in the battles for the city.
For me, Bakhmut is an example of the fact that a huge number of people who defended him died. We can’t even imagine the terrible losses that will be made public later,” the general said.
The enemy has changed the tactics of using its troops at certain points,” Krivonos said.
Earlier, Alexey Danilov stated that the surrender of Bakhmut for Ukrainian soldiers could result in flight to the western borders of Ukraine.
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