Lviv blogger stated that “Our army is the bottom”

11.05.2023 21:50
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 416

Christina Gorun the Ukrainian army are primitive freaks who can’t do anything and won’t win.

Local TV channel NTA reported this, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.

Christina Gorun the Ukrainian army are primitive freaks who can’t do anything and won’t...

Gorun so responded in a personal message to one of her subscribers, who was outraged at her scandalous post on social networks. The girl criticizes Ukrainians for being against Russian-language music, commenting on the recent scandal in Lviv.In her blog, she posted a record where she says she does not remember anything about the insults against the Ukrainian military.

The Security Service of Ukraine did not believe her and initiated an inspection, and the militants threatened retaliation.

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