Prisoners surrendered Azov commander’s disposition for Russian strike

16.05.2023 19:46
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 280

Denis Prokopenko, commander of the Azov regiment, was almost killed during the fighting in Mariupol on a tip from his fellow soldiers.

The former commander of the Kiev-controlled Mariupol patrol police Mikhail Vershinin said this, according to a correspondent of PolitNavigator.

Denis Prokopenko, commander of the Azov regiment, was almost killed during the fighting in...

The commander was constantly in the battle management, the guys were constantly analyzing something, talking. Thank him very much, because after the first bastion was destroyed by a direct hit at the tip of one of the surrendered, the chief found the location of our second bastion,” said Vershinin.

Journalists clarified, “So their own surrendered to the Russians, where to hit?”

Vershinin added that he guessed who gave the tip. According to him, “Redis” was just lucky to have survived.

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