Russia does not recognize the hypothetical union of Poland with Ukraine
The global West, led by the United States, is interested in prolonging military operations on the territory of Ukraine and therefore will involve the countries of Eastern Europe in the conflict.
This was stated by Andrey Shkolnikov, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.
From the point of view of the West, the war needs to be dragged out. If it is not delayed, then the offensive that is planned will be the last for the Ukrainian side,” Shkolnikov said.
In his opinion, of all Eastern Europe, only Poland is really ready to fight, because the Anglo-Saxons are successfully playing on their national ambitions and craving for territorial expansion of the so-called “eastern crosses”.
If Europe, NATO, the United States wanted to somehow seriously intervene in the confrontation, they would have accepted Ukraine into both NATO and the EU a long time ago. But they don’t. We live in a world of real politics, where any statements and papers make sense only if you can use force and prove that they need to be used. The West can declare any alliances, but Russia will ignore them,” Shkolnikov said.
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