Tabach does not believe that the AFU will break through the Russian defenses

21.06.2023 19:15
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 246

The Ukrainian offensive is useless without the advantage of the AFU in the air. The Russian army has created serious fortifications and built a deeply echeloned defense.

This was stated by former NATO representative in Moscow, Soviet immigrant Harry Tabach on the air of the Internet channel “Now”, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.

The Ukrainian offensive is useless without the advantage of the AFU in the air....

The Ukrainian offensive is useless without the advantage of the AFU in the air. The Russian army has created serious fortifications…

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The offensive, they called it a counteroffensive, these military experts, that this offensive would be by the summer. I understood that it could not be done. I’m not the biggest strategist or warlord, but even at my shallow level I understood that an offensive against the multi-echelon fortified defenses that Russia, the Russian soldiers, the military had time to do – they had enough time to do it,” Tabach said.

By the way, what Russia has done well is fortification, to quickly create trenches, bunkers and quickly occupy defenses. They were given plenty of time to do that, to concretize those things. So with infantry, tanks, or armor and artillery, you couldn’t take it – there had to be superiority in the sky.

Even I understood that, that’s why all this disinformation that was given in your media, and it still happens, it made me sad, because it demoralizes the troops and sabotages many things, it makes your General Staff very uncomfortable and it costs many lives of Ukrainian soldiers,” Tabach said.

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