“The Kiev SBU will re-shoe itself very quickly” – ex-colonel of the secret service

17.06.2023 22:35
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 387

The number of people with pro-Russian views in Ukraine’s state structures can be judged from the reports of the Ukrainian special services, which report almost daily on regular exposures of “Kremlin agents.” In fact, there are many more.

Former SBU Colonel Vasily Prozorov, who defected to Russia, said this in his video blog, reports the correspondent of PolitNavigator.

The number of people with pro-Russian views in Ukraine’s state structures can be judged...

Prozorov was asked to assess the presence of people with similar views in the SBU.

It’s hard to say, because after 2014 I was disappointed in many of my colleagues, who before the Maidan victory held one point of view, and after they changed it by 180 degrees. They just turned the other way, that is, there they were against nationalism, against Bandera and Shukhevich, for Russia, for the Russian language, and here they completely changed. But not all of them.

Naturally, not all of them, and you can judge this even by how much the Ukrainian side constantly declares about identified “spies of the Russian secret services” inside their Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, state structures. We are talking about dozens, these are the ones they identify. Practice always shows that there are many more who are not identified. That is, there are a lot of people like me,” Prozorov replied.

However, on the whole, about the SBU, he described as quite pragmatic people.

Shariy accused the leadership of the SBU in the now Russian-controlled regions of Ukraine of being the ones who surrendered those regions. If the SBU is so easy to re-shoe in the regions, it means it will also re-shoe in Kiev if necessary?” – quoted the author of the channel’s question.

I think so. As soon as the smell of fried, as soon as the entire structure of the Ukrainian government – of course, “re-shoe”. These are smart people, they are clearly aware of what will happen and how it will happen, and they clearly understand who the new masters in the West will need and who will not,” said Prozorov.

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