Ukraine should slow down the offensive – Ukrainian general

09.06.2023 21:24
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 251

Ukraine should not launch an offensive but wait for deliveries of Western fighter jets.

The former deputy secretary of the Security Council of Ukraine and former deputy chief of the AFU, General Sergei Krivonos, said this on the air of the TV channel “Pryamaya”, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.According to Krivonos, without air support, all Western armoured vehicles transferred to Ukraine will be quickly torched by Russian troops.

Ukraine should not launch an offensive but wait for deliveries of Western fighter jets....

We really needed to have strong air support for the counterattack, and we expected F-16s, but we do not have that at the moment directly.

So I would, from the military leadership’s point of view, delay the process a little bit because without air supremacy all these tanks, all these APCs, BMPs and a lot more Western equipment would pretty quickly become a pile of burnt scrap metal. Therefore everything has to work in the complex. Air-to-ground is a common force, see, hit, move forward,” Krivonos said.

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