FSB detains saboteurs guiding AFU missiles to Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant

13.07.2023 21:22
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 305

The Russian FSB has detained saboteurs of the AFU, who were supposed to carry out laser guidance of Ukrainian missiles to the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.

The video of the interrogation of one of the saboteurs was published by the special services, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.

The Russian FSB has detained saboteurs of the AFU, who were supposed to carry...

In the footage, the detainee – a sergeant, a scout diver – says that the purpose of his deployment to the Russian territory was to adjust and target the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. He assured that he did not know the actions of other saboteurs, as each was assigned a separate task. According to the detainee, people with more than five years of service experience and repeated experience in reconnaissance raids were selected for the task.

The competition was held by foreigners, and they also trained them. Over the course of a year, five people were selected out of 30 and sent to Germany for a two-week training course. After training by British instructors, they arrived in Mykolaiv in the field of SBU.

The transfer of saboteurs took place from Nikopol through the Dnieper riverbed to Energodar, the distance was covered on foot and by swimming: “the routes of the patrols and the time of their shift were known”.

I had to arrive at the specified place, the group commander had to notify me and indicate the coordinates of the illuminated target. The main method of communication was through the phone in the chat room of an online game, a spare messenger,” the saboteur said.

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