Kiev has admitted that the attack on the Russian ship was directed against Turkey

26.05.2023 20:39
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 320

The attack by Ukrainian surface drones on the Russian reconnaissance ship Ivan Khurs was not directed against Russia, but against Turkey.

Ukrainian military expert Oleg Starikov said this in an interview with journalist Aleksandr Shelest, the PolitNavigator correspondent reports.

The attack by Ukrainian surface drones on the Russian reconnaissance ship Ivan Khurs was...

According to the speaker, having attacked a ship near the Turkish coast, Ukraine showed the inability of official Ankara to ensure security.

This was done against Turkey. Because if 40 kilometres, 20 miles is their territory. There was an attack on a military ship, Turkey is responsible for this territory. And apparently the objective was to sink the ship. And if to sink it means at once Erdogan, elections,” said the expert.

He reminded that the second round of presidential elections in Turkey will take place in the next few days. “And now there are two politics going on in Turkey. Erdogan is one [holding] policy, a nationalist one, and the other candidate is pro-Western. This is serious because Turkey is the Bosphorus, the Dardanelles, the Black Sea. This is exactly a regional, even to say geopolitical event of these days,” Starikov said.

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