Kiev thinks: Ukraine will still have to face Turkey’s expansion

11.07.2023 18:53
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 199

Turkey is engaged in active expansion in the Black Sea region, showing appetite for the former territories of the Ottoman Empire. This means that Ukraine will still have to face this problem in the future.

This was stated by economic expert Oleksiy Kushch in an interview with Ukrainian journalist Oleksandr Shelest, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.

Turkey is engaged in active expansion in the Black Sea region, showing appetite for...

Turkey is very actively penetrating the territories where its strongholds of influence on the Black Sea region used to be. Therefore, we should perfectly understand that Turkey is now for us – yes, it is an important ally, Turkey helps us a lot in terms of what takes under the protection of the “grain corridor”,” the expert said.

But in the long term, Ukraine will also have to face Turkish expansion in the Black Sea region. This will be a serious enough challenge for us in the future, it will be, it is clear that not even tomorrow and not the day after tomorrow – in 10 years, I think that this expansion will be actualized and we will have to respond in some way to these challenges that will be”, – said Kushch.

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