NATO is preparing its “fire brigades” in case the Russians break through the front – expert

04.07.2023 21:45
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 209

If the Ukrainian front crums and the AFU is unable to hold off the Russian army, NATO may move its troops to Ukraine, but not under the alliance flag. They will have to act as a “fire team” to stop the Russian counteroffensive.

This was stated by political scientist Maxim Zharov on the air of Radio “Komsomolskaya Pravda,” reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator.”

If the Ukrainian front crums and the AFU is unable to hold off the Russian...

According to Zharov, the operation under a neutral flag will be discussed at the upcoming NATO summit, which begins July 11.

As for the mission outside the NATO flag, the Baltic countries, I think this issue will be seriously discussed at the summit. Let’s say this situation is urgent, it may arise when the Ukrainian army suddenly fails unexpectedly, we will have to take some emergency measures to hold that line of demarcation with Russia, which NATO has now planned for itself.

Therefore this question will be very seriously discussed, but we will not know about the decisions publicly – or we will know much later, based on indirect data about the strengthening of activity on the Baltic front. Here we will have to look at the results of the summit in a few weeks to see how the Baltic will be, what troops and what types of weapons will be deployed,” Zharov said.

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