Архив новостей по теме 'Russian Spring'

“These are our people” – Putin demanded that lawmakers speed up the full integration of Novorossiya into Russia

Both chambers of the Russian parliament must ensure the full integration of the returned regions into Russia. Vladimir Putin said this at the Council of Legislators under the Federal Assembly, reports a correspondent of PolitNavigator. Another priority is to legally ensure the full integration of the four regions that became part of Russia on September…

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Kiev complains that Berdyansk and Melitopol do not want Ukraine to return

The residents of the liberated territories are fully integrated into Russia and do not believe in the return of the Ukrainian Nazis. This was stated by the Ukrainian photographer Yevgeny Maloletka, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”. In the studio asked about the mood of the residents of Berdyansk and other settlements, which are under Russian…

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Kedmi said that Odessa and Kiev should be returned by decree, not by referendum

Russia does not need to hold referendums on the annexation of territories that were previously part of it. This was stated in an interview with Israeli journalist Alexander Waldman by the ex-head of the Nativ special service, military expert Yakov Kedmi, the correspondent of PolitNavigator reports. According to Kedmi, the games of democracy do not…

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