Ukraine will be turned into a nuclear burial ground – Kiev economist

01.07.2023 21:16
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 343

Vladimir Zelensky’s regime has already agreed with the West to use Ukraine as a dumping ground for nuclear waste. These behind-the-scenes agreements are not advertised and are disguised as beautiful documents like the new Energy Strategy of Ukraine.

This was stated by Kiev economist and financial analyst Alexei Kushch, as reported by a correspondent of PolitNavigator, on the air of the Internet channel Alpha and Omega.

Vladimir Zelensky’s regime has already agreed with the West to use Ukraine as a...

There is one interesting topic in the Energy Strategy of Ukraine – it is the launch in Ukraine of production of so-called modular nuclear reactors of low power.

I was surprised at first. This very topic is new, no one produces them in large numbers, it’s just a development. Usually no one would just give us the production of paper clips, but there’s such a high technology which is still under development!

Actually, there may be certain risks for us. These modular reactors – one of the main options the seller must provide to the buyers is the disposal of spent nuclear fuel and recycling of the equipment itself after it goes out of service. And no one wants to concentrate this “goodness” in their own country,” said the economist.

Kushch emphasized that in this way Ukraine will be turned into a nuclear burial ground for next to nothing.

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